Project Teams

Part3 is a collaborative platform, the more of your team participates in the process, the more efficient your team becomes. This document will walk you through setting up your project team.

Part3 does not charge for collaborator seats; invite the whole team!!!

Adding Companies

When you first create a project, your team page will look a little something like this:

Step 1: Start by adding the participating Companies to your project by clicking '+ Company'.

Step 2:  Find the company in your directory or create a new one with the 'New Company' button.

Step 3: Assign the company's Role and enter their discipline. If a company is multidisciplinary (ie: Mechanical and Electrical), you can add multiple roles by clicking 'Add another role'. 

Refer to this help doc to understand the different permission levels of each role. 

Adding Members

Step 1: Add the user to each Company. You can add members by clicking the '+Member' button in the top right corner of the screen or by clicking the 3 dots beside 'Edit cover pages'.

Step 2: Browse your company's directory or click 'New contact'. Add the users' information to the form below and when you are ready, click 'Add Member'.

Be sure to tick the box ' Send project invitation email'. This will trigger an email to that user to invite them to the project.

  1. Company: Select the company the user works for.
  2. Role: Select their role as well as their discipline. In the example above, this is a Structural consultant. Individuals can have multiple roles if required.
  3. Permissions: Give the user the correct project permissions. Should they automatically be on the distribution lists, can they sign documents in Part3, and should they see the project dashboard?

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at

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