Your Account

All individuals who have created an account with Part3 can control their own individual settings and details. 

Step 1: Click on your initials in the top-right corner of the platform, and select 'Account Settings'.

Step 2: Begin to update or populate your individual information. Do not use nicknames, acronyms, or abbreviations as your legal name. This name will be used to populate all of your information on the platform and will be visible to everyone.

Once you have finished entering or revising information, click 'Update'.

Step 3: Upload your unique signature by clicking '+New signature'. This will appear on documents that are signed by you in Part3. 

You can type, draw or upload your signature to Part3! Once finished, click 'Add'.

Step 4: Upload stamps that can be used when marking up/annotating drawings and attachments in Part3. If you need to delete a stamp at any time, click on the stamp and select 'Archive'. 

Step 5: If your project is going to be connected to Procore, you will need to authorize your account. By clicking 'authorize' you will be prompted to log in to Procore. This is a one-time process, and basically says you are authorized to return documents to Procore because you are on that specific project created by the General Contractor. Read more here. 

Step 6: Select your email preferences. We suggest selecting 'Assigned to me' to ensure you do not miss anything that requires your attention on a project. You can update these email settings at any time.

Click 'update' when you are finished editing your selection. 

You can update your password at any time! Once you entered your new password, click 'Change Password'

In the event that your email address changes (ie, your company rebrands, you change your last name, etc...) you can update your email address.

This will save you from creating a new account and causing issues with any tasks already associated with you.

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this article, please reach out to

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