Creating Supplement Instructions

In this article, we'll cover the steps to create a Supplemental Instruction, which is also known as a Site Instruction. 

Step 1: Click the '+' button in the top right corner of the app and select 'Supplemental Instruction'

Not every project is t he same, so you can update your naming conventions to suit your project/contract/company standards. Click here to learn how.

Step 2: A pop-up will appear with different areas to populate. The number of the SI will automatically populate based on the next available number. You can override this if necessary. 

Title: Describe the SI that you want to appear on the cover page.

Reason: You can select from a pre-populated list of reasons in Part3 or create your own. To create your own, type the reason and then click the blue bar that says 'Create'

Addressee: This is who you want the SI to be addressed to. You can set a default at your company level under the project teams page. 

Description: Enter a description of the site instruction. You can always come back and edit this if you need to 🙌

Main Disclaimer: The disclaimers listed here are pulled in from your organizational settings. You can edit or add a new disclaimer if required. The modifications will be unique to this document. 

Consultants: Select the consultant disciplines that will be required to contribute to this SI. 

Remember to set up your document assignees in your project settings. This will save you a lot of time when you're creating your documents. Click here to learn more.

Step 3: Once you have completed the fields, click the blue 'Create' button at the bottom of the pop-up. 

On to the next step. Click here to learn how to populate and collaborate with the team.

As always, reach out if you have any questions or see an issue with this article at

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