Change Orders - From existing document

The changes have been proposed, the quote has been accepted, it's time to issue a Change Order!

There are 3 ways that Change Orders can be created in Part3, and we'll cover all in this article. 

  • Initiated from a change document
  • Initiated from a quote/pricing document

Initiated from a Change Document

If a Proposed Change or Change Directive has been formally issued, you have the ability to create a CO directly from that document. 

Step 1: Click the '+' sign in the top right corner of the document, and click 'Create CO'.

You'll be directed to that newly created CO. The PC or CD will be listed as the 'Initiating document', and you can begin to add your pricing details.


Initiated from a Quote/Pricing Document

Once a quote has been approved with the ' Accepted' flag, you can convert it directly to a Change Order. 

Click the orange ' Create CO' button. You'll then be directed to that newly created CO, and the pricing document and initiating document will already be linked to that change. 

For the next steps in the Change Order process, click here

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at

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