Change Directive - Issue

Now that you have collaborated with your consultants on the Change Directive, it's time to issue it!

Step 1: Double-check all of the documents, descriptions, etc. to make sure you're happy to issue the change.

Step 2: Click the green 'Sign' button in the top right, to add your signature and date/time stamp to the cover page. You can also add any stamps to your cover page by clicking the green 'Stamp' button.

Step 3: A pop-up will appear at the bottom of the screen. Tick the box to confirm you have reviewed the change, then click the blue 'Sign' button. Your signature will now appear on your cover page.

Note: Steps 4 and 5 below are optional. In some cases, you may not need a Reviewer (ie; a higher-up, Owner, etc..) in order to issue your change. If that is the case, you can jump right to issuing the document. 

Step 4 (Optional): Add any reviewers that may need to sign off on this change before it is formally issued. Click the '+' to find their name. Their name will appear on the cover page where they can apply their signature. 

Step 5 (Optional): Click the blue 'Send for review' button and this will trigger a pop-up. 

Step 6: The pop-up is an opportunity to review the information you are going to send, and to who it will be sent. 

Continue = The people on the reviewer's list will be sent an email and task to come in and review the change in Part3. They can use Part3's signature to sign the document which will apply a time and date stamp to the document.

Continue & Create PDF = This is used when owners/Reviewers do not want to come into Part3 to review and sign documents. Click this option if you plan on giving them a hard copy of the change to apply a wet signature. The final document can then be uploaded back into Part3 for record purposes. 

Step 7: Once all of the reviewers have signed off, you can issue the Change Directive. Click the blue 'Issue' button in the top right of the screen. 

Step 8: You'll see a pop-up for your final review and to show you the distribution list. Note, the distribution list will be prepopulated based on user settings at the project level. You can add or delete people as you wish. When you're ready, click 'Issue' in the bottom right. 

Your Change Directive is now issued!!! Everyone on the distribution list will receive a combined pdf file of the change, as well as a link to the document in Part3. 

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at

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