Edit, Preview and Issue Meeting Minutes

This article will cover editing the cover page, previewing your minutes, and issuing them once you're ready!

Edit the Cover Page

When you first created your meeting minutes, a pop-up appeared. The information entered here can be edited at any time.

Step 1: Click the pencil 'Edit' icon.

Step 2: The pop-up will reappear so you can adjust/enter any information. When finished, click the blue 'Save Meeting Minutes' button in the bottom right corner.

Note: The current setup requires the 'End Time' field to be filled out.

Step 3: Any individuals that were in attendance during the meeting will be stated on the cover page. To add individuals to the attendance list, click the '+' sign and click on the individual names. When you're finished, click 'Add' at the bottom of the pop-up.

You can add filters by selecting roles in your project. Add or delete filters at any time.


You can preview your meeting minutes at any time.

Step 1: Click on 'Preview Meeting Minutes' in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2: You'll see the screen shift to the report preview page. In this area you can scroll up and down to preview the:

  • Cover page - complete with information previously entered.
  • Agenda - this will display sections and items
  • Body of the minutes

Step 3: When you're done previewing the report, click the red 'Close Preview' button on the right.

Issue the Meeting Minutes

Now that you have completed your meeting minutes, it's time to issue them.

Step 1: Double-check and populate your distribution list.

To add people, click the '+' symbol to select from the individuals listed on your project.

To delete people, click the 'X' beside their name.

Step 2: When you're ready, click the blue 'Distribute meeting minutes' button in the top right corner of the screen.

Reminder - an end time must be entered for your meeting before they can be issued.

Step 3: A pop-up will appear for your final review.

Step 4: When you're ready, click 'Distribute'.

The meeting minutes will be distributed as one combined PDF file. Users on the distribution list will receive an email with the PDF file and a link to view the meeting minutes in Part3.

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at support@part3.io

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