Budgets - Create and Manage

If you have an allowance or contingency for your project, you can create and manage them in the settings area of your project.

Creating a Budget

Both allowances and contingencies are created the same way!

Step 1: Go to your project Settings, and navigate to 'Project budgets'.

Step 2: Click '+ Add' in the top right corner of the budgets area.

Step 3: Select the budget type you are creating. Allowance or Contingency

Tip: Refer to the descriptions in the yellow box to make sure you understand how Part3 views the difference between allowance and contingency.

Step 4: Enter the name of the budget and the starting value. When finished, click the blue 'Add' button.

Editing Budget Details

Step 1: Click the 3 dots on the far right side of your budget.

Step 2: Click 'Edit details'.

Step 3: Update the budget name and/or the budget type. When finished, click the blue 'Update' button.

Note: You cannot update the original starting balance of a budget.

Deleting a Budget

If you created a budget in error, you can archive that budget.

Step 1: Click the 3 dots on the far right side of your budget.

Step 2: Click 'Archive'.

Note: You can only archive a budget if there have been no transactions against the budget. Meaning, that the 'Allocated to date' column must be $0.00

If you are trying to archive a budget that has money allocated to date, you will receive this pop-up.

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at support@part3.io

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