Creating Your Report

Part3's field report feature will save you 70% of the time you spent previously creating your reports in Word or Excel.

Our building block approach with sections and items allows you to control the format of your report!

Create a new report

Step 1: Go to the 'Reports' tab on the left-hand project navigation.

Step 2: Click the blue '+ Report' button in the top right corner.

Step 3: A modal will pop up. Fill out the information regarding the report and click 'Create new report'.

All of the information entered here appears on the cover page of your report.

  • Observations: This area is intended for a brief description of what you observed on site. This field is optional and can be left blank.
  • Disclaimer: This will appear on your cover page. You can select the disclaimer from the dropdown list or click the orange button to create a new one.

Don't worry, all of the information entered here can be edited later if needed!

Build your report

Once you have clicked the blue 'Create new report' button, you're directed to a new screen that gives you two options.

Option 1 - Select a layout from your organization. Learn more about saved layouts here.

Option 2 - Add sections to create your layout. For this option, click on the '+ Add section' button.

In the example shown here, I will create my layout by clicking '+ Add section' option.

Step 1: Enter the title of the section as you want it to appear on the report.

Step 2: Click the blue 'Add section' button.

You'll be brought into the report screen where you can start building the entire report.

Sections & Items

Our report feature takes a building block approach. This means you can add as many sections and items within those sections to keep building your report.

To add an item to a section, you have 2 options.

Option 1: Click the '+' button on the right side of the grey bar.

Option 2: Click the big blue '+ Add item' button on the bottom of the screen

A modal will appear for you to fill out all the details about this item and add your images.

Step 1: Fill out the areas that are required and populate any optional fields that you want.

Step 2: Click the orange 'Photo' button to select pictures from your camera roll or take a picture.

Step 3: You can click the 'Assign' icon to select someone from your project team you want to task this item with. For example, if it is a deficiency, maybe you want to assign it to the GC.

When finished, you can click 'Add' or 'Add & Next' to keep going with more items in your section.

Image Mark-Ups & Captions

If you want to highlight a certain area of your photo to help point out the exact area you're referring to, or add some extra detail, use our mark-up and caption tools! ✏️

Step 1: Take the photo on your camera, or upload the image on your desktop.

Step 2: When you've finished taking the photo(s), click the blue 'Add item' button in the bottom right.

Step 3: Click on the photo you want to mark up.

Step 4: Use the annotation toolbar on the top to select your mark-up tools. If you want to add a description to that specific photo, you can use the 'Add Caption' area. Once you're finished, click the blue 'Save' button in the bottom right of the pop-up.

The mark-ups will appear on the edit and layout view, and most importantly, on the PDF output of your report!

Drag & Drop Auto-numbering

You can drag and drop items and sections within your field report and we will automatically renumber them

Step 1: Hover over the left-hand side of an item or section until you see 6 grey dots. Grab that item or section and drag it to where you want.

Note: Site reports maintain the numbering format of [Report Number].[Section Number].[Item Number]. Therefore, if you are dragging and dropping an item created on an older report, the number will not update.

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