Pricing Details

Pricing details consist of a file plus all line items and costs associated with the change. This is the first thing to populate once you have created your pricing document.

Adding Pricing Details

Step 1: Click the navy blue '+ Add' button. A pop-up will appear for you to enter the pricing details.

Step 2: Upload your quote/pricing document. This step is mandatory.

Step 3: Populate the line items included in this pricing document. You can get as detailed as you want, or you can keep it simple.

Step 4: You will notice that there is a budget category available for each line item, so you can select where this money is coming from.

  • Contract overages (this is the default budget).
  • Allowances (read more here)
  • Contingencies (read more here)

If an allowance or contingency is selected, a new area will appear at the bottom of the pop-up to show you the balance and impacts on the budget(s) you selected.

If a budget is exceeded (ie: there is no money left in that pot), the rest of the dollar value associated with that line item will automatically be moved into the 'Contract Overages' category.

The ability to select the budget is not available to General Contractors. This is selected by the Consultant.

Step 5: Once you have entered your line items, and are satisfied with the dollar value allocations, hit the blue 'Save' button at the bottom of the pop-up.

Revising Pricing Details

You can revise the pricing details at any time before the price moves to the 'Accepted' stage.

Step 1: Click the navy blue 'Edit' button in the top right corner of the pricing details area.

Step 2: The pop-up will re-open so you can revise your details.

To revise the attachment, click 'Replace document'.

Step 3: When finished, hit 'Save'.

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at

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