Returning Submittals

Now that you have created and reviewed your submittal, it's time to return it to the team!

Returning your submittals!

Step 1: Double-check that each consultant has selected a review status. 

Step 2: Open the pdf attachments to make sure all of the consultant comments are there, and you know which pdf to return.

Step 3: Open the cover page.

Step 4: Review the cover page to confirm the status of each consultant. Any of their review notes will appear under their discipline. 

Step 5: Now you're ready to click 'Return'.

Step 6: Select which documents you would like to return to the distribution list. Then click 'Continue'. 

Step 7: The last pop-up will appear as one last check and confirmation of what you're final review and who will receive it. When you're ready, hit 'Return'. 

When a submittal is returned, everyone on the distribution list will receive an email with a link to the submittal in Part3, as well as one combined PDF that includes the cover page and all the selected files. 

If you need to reopen the submittal, or create a revision (in the case where it was marked Revise and Resubmit), click '  ' beside the Download button. 

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at

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