Returning RFIs

Now that you and your team have responded to the RFI, it's time to return it to the General Contractor!

Step 1: Double-check you're happy with your response and every consultant has responded.

Step 2: Review your distribution list. This list will automatically populate based on your project team settings. You can remove or add people as needed. 

Step 3: Click 'Return' in the top right corner of the RFI. 

Step 4: Review the pop-up that appears after clicking 'Return'. This is one final check to confirm your response, and who will receive it.

Step 5: Click 'Return' in the bottom right corner of the pop-up. 

Everyone on the distribution list will receive an email that includes a link to the RFI in Part3, as well as a combined PDF that includes the cover page and any attachments.

Now the RFI has been returned!

Reopening an RFI

Step 1: Click the '+' beside the 'Revise' button and select 'Reopen'.

Edit any items or revise your response, then return the RFI following the same steps above. 

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at

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