Certificates - Create & Edit

If you're the payment certifier on your project, you will likely need to review the monthly progress applications from the General Contractor. Part3 has all the tools you need to create, review, and issue your Certificates for Payment!

If you're reviewing a G702/G703 Payment application, this is the feature you can use!

Watch this video if you don't feel like reading this article 🙂

Create your certificate

Step 1: Click on the '+' icon in the top right corner of your screen and select Certificate for Payment (note: you can revise the naming of your templates to suit your firm/project standards. Read more here)

Step 2: A pop-up will appear. Select the creation type you want.

Individuals with a General Contractor role can upload their payment applications/progress claims. This will notify the prime consultant they have a pay app to review.

Option 1: Payment Application

Step 1: Fill out the required input fields.

Step 2: Upload the pay application/progress claim PDF

Step 3: Select which consultants you need to review the pay application. When finished, click 'Create'.

Option 2: Blank Certificate

If this is your first certificate in Part3, this is the option you would select.

Step 1: Fill out the required input fields.

Step 2: Upload the pay application/progress claim PDF. When finished, click 'Create'.

Enter all of the information relevant to the certificate/pay application. When you're finished, click 'Create'.

You can always come back and edit this information.

Note: The requirement to select 'Owner' and 'Owner Representative' will only appear if you have the certificate cover page enabled on your project. Read more here.

Option 3: Clone certificate for payment

If you already have certificates created in Part3 and want to pick up where you left off from the previous month, choose this option.

Step 1: Fill out the required input fields.

Step 2: Upload the pay application/progress claim PDF. When finished, click 'Create'.

Enter all of the information relevant to the certificate/pay application. When you're finished, click 'Create'.

You can always come back and edit this information.

Note: The requirement to select 'Owner' and 'Owner Representative' will only appear if you have the certificate cover page enabled on your project. Read more here.

Invoice # - This is a reference to the General contractor's invoice number.

Tax # - This is a reference to the General contractor's tax number that they might include on their invoice.

You'll be directed to a new page where you will begin to populate all of your values!

Edit your certificate

If you need to edit any of the information you entered when you first created your certificate, follow these steps.

Step 1: Click the 'Edit' icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Update any of the fields and click the blue 'Save' button at the bottom of the pop-up.

Note: If you have cover pages enabled, the pop-up will look slightly different with a few extra fields. Read more about cover pages here.

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at support@part3.io

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