Certificates - Review & Issue

Now that you have input all of the dollar values and signed your documents, they are ready to be sent for review or issued!

Note: If the consultant team has already completed their reviews under the pay application process, you can likely skip the review steps listed below.

Send for review (optional)

Step 1: In the top right corner of the certificate page, you will see a 'Reviewer' area. Click '+ Add' to select any individuals that may need to review this document before you issue it.

Step 2: Once you have selected your reviewers, click the blue 'Send for review' button.

Step 3: A pop-up will appear for you to confirm the reviewers you selected.

Click 'Continue' if the reviewer will come into Part3 and do their review.

Click 'Continue & Create PDF' if you want to bring out a hard copy of the certificate.

Step 4: You will see the progress bar move to 'Review' at the top of the document. If you created a PDF, you can click the blue 'Download' button.

Anyone selected as a reviewer will have the option to select 'Fair and reasonable' or 'Has comments'

The review status and comments will be stored under the 'History' tab at the bottom of the page.

Issue the certificate

If you don't need any reviewers, you can issue the Certificate as soon as you're ready. If you have requested a review, you can issue the certificate when the reviews have been completed.

To issue your certificate, follow these steps.

Step 1: Select the individuals you want to receive this document. Scroll down to the Distribution list on the right-hand side of the screen. Click the '+ Add' to select from the list of individuals on the project team who you want to receive this document.

Step 2: Click the blue 'Issue' button in the top right of the page.

Step 3: A pop-up will appear for you to double-check in the distribution list. If you need to modify the issuance date, this is where you can update it.

The certificate has been combined as one PDF document for you and emailed to everyone on the distribution list. Now you will see a nice orange button that says 'Clone'. Check out this article to learn more about cloning.

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at support@part3.io

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