Your Homepage

We're here to make your life easier, so we've gathered everything in one convenient place to help you work efficiently!

Your homepage is where you can create all of your project groups, and view your tasks and @mentions from your team!

Project Groups

Your homepage will include all of the project groups created for you and the ones you've created. There are 3 different types of project groups that you will see on your homepage; public, private, and system-generated. Click here to learn how to create your project groups, and organize them in the order you want.

To get quick access to your projects, look at the 'Your assigned projects' and click directly into your projects!

Your tasks

On the right-hand side of the project row, you will see an icon showing you how many tasks you have to complete on that project. For Procore-connected projects, you will see the procore symbol, along with the tasks you need to complete.

You can click directly on the icon and the task modal will appear.

Any overdue tasks will be displayed from oldest to newest.

You can also click on the 'View' button on the right-hand side to see all of your tasks organized by:

Past due, due within 3 days, and others.


Whenever a team member @mentions you in one of the project documents, you'll be able to see them on your homepage. The goal of our comments feature is to make sure that important information doesn't get lost in emails and to enhance collaboration! 🤝

Use the quick links to jump right to the document to have a look and respond.

Your organization

The links to your organization are in the bottom right corner of your homepage, as well as in the dropdown menu in the top left corner.

Read more here about your organization!

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at

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