Procore Step-Based Submittals

Once a new Submittal is created in Procore, it will automatically sync in Part3, and users can begin their review.

In this article we'll cover how to get started, add assignees, respond to submittals, and of course, return them to the General Contractor.

We're going to explore step-based submittals in more detail, where the prime consultant can add assignees to contribute in a step-based fashion, to help streamline the submittal review process! 💫

To Get Started

Step 1: Make sure stepped-based submittals are toggled on. To do this, go to your project settings, document settings, submittals, and toggle on use step-based submittals".

Step 2: When you first open a submittal, have a look at who is named as the 'Ball in Court'.

Step 3: If your name is in the Ball in Court or you've been added as an assignee, your step will be highlighted with a blue outline. If it's blue, it's time to review! If you are an assignee, jump down to Reviewing a Submittal.

Make sure you've authorized your own account so you can return your submittals to Procore. Click here to learn how.

Add Assignees to Your Review:

If you are a prime consultant, you have the ability to add the steps, to add the assignees to the submittal!

Step 1: To add an assignee, click +Add assignees and select the user. Select their role from the dropdown as 'reviewer or submitter'. Lastly, change the review period to align with your project.

Step 2: Add as many assignees to the review as needed by selecting +Add Step, and follow Step 1 instructions above.

An email notification will be sent out to the selected Users, and a new Task will be created for them in Part3.

The difference between 'reviewer' and 'submitter' roles are:

Reviewer is a user reviewing the submittal.

Submitter is a user who submits the document for approval. This is typically the prime consultant if not reviewing the submittal, and simply returning to Procore.

Step Order: The order that assignees are added correlate to the step order. In the below example, electrical's review takes place in Step 1, followed by structural review in Step 2, and architectural review in Step 3.

You can always use this opportunity to create a template, to use for future submittals.

Reviewing a Submittal

In the review area, click the '+ Add review' button.

Step 1: To add an attachment so you can start your review, you have the following options to do so:

  • Option 1: Click 'Select from this workflow' to bring in the latest version of the drawing. This may be directly from the General Contractor, or from someone in a previous step.
  • Option 2: Upload your own attachments.
  • Option 3: Do both!

Step 2: In the response area, change the review status with the drop down menu, and add a review comment (optional).

Be sure to 'save' your response! 🙌

Return to Procore:

Once all assignees have submitted their reviews, the prime can send the reviewed submittal to Procore by selecting Return to Procore.

Remember, your name needs to be in the Ball-in-Court in order to return to Procore.

The submittal review status will change to Returned, and the Ball in Court field will be updated to show either the next Approver in the sequence or the name of the Submittal manager designated in Procore:

Once the Submittal has been distributed in Procore, the status will change to Closed 🙌

As always, if you have any questions or see any issues with this article, please reach out to us via the Help Beacon (blue question mark) in the lower right hand corner of Part3 or by emailing

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