Submit Pricing Document for Review

Once you've finished adding the Pricing details, your Pricing document is ready to be sent for review. Don't worry, this step is completely optional. So if this doesn't suit your workflow, you can skip it and

Accept the quote instead.

Step 1: Click the 'Request review' button.

Step 2: A pop-up will appear with a list of Consultants on the project. Select which consultant disciplines need to review the quotation.

Note: If you have not set up assignees for pricing documents, you can always select them during the review stage. If you want to learn how to set up multiple assignees - check out this article!

Step 3: Remember to set a due date! This is important for task tracking and automated reminder schedules if you have those enabled on your project.

Step 4: If you haven't pre-selected reviewers for pricing documents, click the 3 dots to 'Add assignees'. You can add as many reviewers as you want, and they will each be given a task to come in and complete their review.

An email will be sent to the individuals assigned or selected to be notified about this quotation/pricing document.

The document status will now change from Draft to Submitted.

Next up, reviewing quotations and pricing documents! Click here to read more.

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at

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