Procore RFIs

Part3's integration with Procore allows the RFI questions and responses to flow seamlessly between the platforms. Consultants can work in Part3 to collaborate on a response, then click 'Return to Procore'.

In this article, we'll show you what that looks like!


If there is a new RFI in Procore that requires your review and response, you will receive a task in Part3.

These tasks will be displayed on the 'Overview' page of your project, with click links so you can dive right in.

Review and Respond to an RFI

When you click the 'Ball in Court' button, you will jump to the RFI.

Step 1: Review the question and any attachments uploaded by the General Contractor in Procore.

Step 2: Add your response by clicking the navy blue 'New response' button.

Note: Your name must be in the 'People' area of the RFI to have the ability to add a response.

Don't forget, you can use the comments section to collaborate with all of the Consultants on your project. This will help you keep all of the context and discussions in one place! 💥

Edit or Delete Your Response

As long as the RFI has not been returned to Procore, you will have the option to 'Edit' or 'Delete' your response.

Step 1: Click the 3 dots in the top right corner of the grey response area.

Step 2: Select 'Edit' or 'Delete'.

Step 3: If you selected 'Edit', you can modify your response and add or delete any attachments. Once finished, click 'Update response'.

Returning a Response to Procore

To return the consultant responses to Procore, your name must be in the 'Ball-in-court' area.

Once you have collected all of the consultant responses, you can click the blue 'Return to Procore' button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Only Prime Consultants can return the RFI to Procore

A pop-up will appear for you to confirm that you want to return the response.

Once the RFI responses are returned, the status bar at the top of the screen will move to 'Returned' and your job is finished!

Note: Only the General Contractor can move the status to 'Closed'. The Ball-in-Court will transition back to the RFI Manager, which is typically someone from the General Contractors team.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about this article please reach out to

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