Reviewing Submittals

Now that you have created a submittal and selected your consultants, it's time to start your review! The submittal feature in Part3 allows you to review and collaborate with the entire design team in the platform, in real time. 

Start your review!

Step 1: When the submittal was created, the disciplines required to participate were selected. In the submittal, you can identify the individuals who will need to participate in this submittal. If you know an individual will always represent that discipline/company, you can select '+ Make default' so you don't have to individually select them on each new document.

Step 4: Begin your review! Add your annotations and stamps in Part3. If you're working outside of Part3, you can upload the final pdf when you're finished. To learn more about Part3's in-app annotation tools, click here. 

Consultants can review submittals at the same time! All mark-ups and notes made on the drawings are visible to the entire team. Use unique colors to represent your discipline. 

Step 5: Once you have finished marking up and reviewing the pdf, set your review status on the right side of the screen. You can also add any additional notes, these will appear on the submittal cover page. 

Users with the Prime Consultant role can upload pdfs, set the review status, and submit the review on behalf of their consultant team. Use the drop-down to select which discipline you are responding for.

Step 6 (Optional): Reference any project documents that relate to this submittal. For example, an RFI, Site instruction, Change Order, etc. 

Pro-tip: During your review, use Part3's comment feature to communicate with your consultant team. This will minimize emails and will capture all the discussions & decisions that were made on this submittal. 

Step 7: Double-check to make sure all of the review statuses' have been selected for each discipline!

Now you're ready to return your submittal! Read more here for the next step!

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at

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