Certificates - Populate

Now that you have created your certificate, it's time to start entering all of the financial information that will appear on your certificate!

Note: As this information is entered, the cover page will automatically be updated. Read more about cover pages here.

Step 1: Click 'Edit' at the top of the Certificate.

You will see two options listed in the top left corner.

Template = Part3's standard layout that is commonly seen in the industry.

Customer = Add your own line items and dividers to create your own layout.

The sections below will provide instructions for both options.

Option 1 - Part3's Standard Template

Step 1: Enter the 'Holdback rate' and 'Tax rate' that is relevant to your project/jurisdiction.

Holdback is also known as 'retention' in some countries.

Step 2: Scroll down the template and enter the required values for all fields that require manual inputs.

Row A is automatically populated based on the original contract value entered in your project settings

Row B is automatically calculated based on the value of all approved Change Orders that have been issued on your project.

The Certificate will auto-calculate as you fill out each row.

Step 3: At the bottom of the template, you will see a disclaimer area where you can populate a disclaimer that will appear on your Certificate.

Step 4: Click the blue 'Save' button in the top right corner of the Certificate.

Step 5: When you're ready, you can sign the Certificate. Click the green 'Sign' button in the top right corner of the Certificate. A green box will appear for you to place your signature and confirm you're happy with the document!

Option 2 - Custom Template

Note: The custom template does not have any auto-calculation features. All fields are completely custom and require manual entries.

Step 1: To start populating your certificate, you can use the '+ Line Item' and '+ Break' to start creating your own layout.

Step 3: Customize the name and dollar values of each line item you add.

Note: You can click the 6 grey dots to the left of your line items to drag and drop them as desired.

Step 4: At the bottom of the template, you will see a disclaimer area where you can populate a disclaimer that will appear on your Certificate.

Step 5: Click the blue 'Save' button in the top right corner of the Certificate.

Step 6: When you're ready, you can sign the Certificate. Click the green 'Sign' button in the top right corner of the Certificate. A green box will appear for you to place your signature and confirm you're happy with the document!


The certificates for payment wouldn't exist without some documentation from your General Contractor. Maybe you call this a progress payment, pay application, or progress invoice?

Whatever you call it, this is the area to attach it!

At the bottom of the certificate page, you will see a grey attachment area.

Step 1: Click on the grey 'Upload an attachment' box and select a document to upload.

Note: The order in which you upload your documents is the order they will appear on the PDF output when the certificate is issued.

Step 2 (optional): If you want to rename the title of the attachment, click the three dots on the right-hand side of the document bar.

Step 3: Revise the title of the document and click the blue 'Save' button when finished.

Now that your certificate is filled out, check out these articles to learn about the cover letter and the change progress log!

As always, if you have any questions or see an issue with this document, please contact us at support@part3.io

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